UN new disarmament pact: conflict prevention and peace promotion

UN Peacekeeper in the Democratic Republic of Congo supporting the DDR process in the country UN Peacekeeper in the Democratic Republic of Congo supporting the DDR process in the country © United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC)

14 June 2024

At the June UN symposium, a new pact was forged, showing global efforts to prevent violence through disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration. 

Ensuring sustainable peace at the international level is one of the core values underpinning the UN mandate. However, to date, over two billion civilians are affected by conflicts, and the rate of civilian deaths ranked extremely high in 2023, at 72%, marking a 122% increase compared to 2022.

The week of 3-7 June 2024 marked the fourth 2024 UN symposium on DDR, representing one of the key pillars of the New Agenda for Peace (NAfP). The NAfP was presented by the UN Secretary General on 20 July 2023, and provides recommendations to be considered in view of the September 2024 Summit for the Future.

The discussion delved into three main areas: exploring NAfP and global trends with a focus on ways and strategies for DDR work to support the vision; discussing conflict prevention, sustaining peace, and accountability for the future, particularly the prevention of violence and reduction of the human cost of weapons; and promoting coherent DDR approaches in a new era by addressing the successes and challenges of the over 80 participants in implementing DDR frameworks and creating links for cooperation.

Co-hosted by the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the participation of a wide range of practitioners, including UN agencies, non-governmental organizations, regional organizations, and national stakeholders, offered an opportunity to share insights, best practices, and lessons learned from DDR implementation. The June symposium concluded with the agreement on a DDR pact for the future ahead of the September Summit and the commitment of practitioners to it.


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by Camilla Levis


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