Violent clashes between the Israeli army and the Palestinian civilians

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10 January 2022

During protests against the occupation, clashes between the Israeli occupation army and Palestinians result in multiple civilians being injured

The first week of 2022 was marked by incessant episodes of violence perpetrated by the Israeli occupation army against Palestinians. Clashes between the Israeli army and Palestinians from the village of Kafr Qaddum the Qalquilia province resulted in five civilians being injured, as well as others suffering from teargas inhalation. Akin episodes of violence against civilian protesters were reported in Hebron. Moreover, cases of Palestinian civilians being run over by Israeli nationals continue to be reported. 

The oppression and routine inhuman treatment of the native population is a consequence of the careless attitude and brutal tendency of the Israeli army. This trend aims at expediting and strengthening Israel’s Zionist massive colonialistic drive. The Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) is being further expanded, with the construction of more than 250 settlements and 750,000 Israeli settlers. The clear agenda is a progressive de-Arabization and Judaization accomplished on one side by colonization and on the other by the ghettoization of Palestinians.

Alongside the violence, Israel is carrying out an ideological war in order to gain legitimacy in the international community’s eyes. With the launch of the Brand Israel campaign in 2005, the Israeli government started implementing a series of strategies aiming at improving Israel's reputation abroad. A real rebranding process focusing on minimizing the militaristic and religious side of the country and emphasizing its progressive policies on issues such as women’s and LGBTQ+ rights. 

It is crucial for the international community to raise awareness of the human rights violations in the area and to show solidarity with the Palestinians. 


To know more, please read: 


Author: Arianna Previtera; Editor: Jasmina Saric 

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