6 people dead in terrorist attack on Kangaba resort in Mali

Malian forces were backed on the scene by French and UN Missions in Mali Malian forces were backed on the scene by French and UN Missions in Mali MINUSMA

18 June 2017
A terrorist attack on the Kangaba resort, east of Bamako, in Mali has left 6 people dead - 5 civilians and one Malian soldier.


A group of armed men stormed the Kangaba resort on the afternoon of Sunday, June 18th, leaving 6 people dead. The tourist resort, east of Bamako, the capital city of Mali, is a cherished weekend getaway amongst the expat community in Bamako. Four jihadists carried out the attack that led to 6 casualties, out of which 5 were civilians and one Malian soldier, as well as several injured people. At least 30 others were able to escape the resort and were rescued.

Initially, 5 people were  reported dead while a humanitarian worker of “Solidarité International” was reported missing. She could only be identified a few days later and was subsequently reported dead, raising the casualties to 6 in total, among which were also two European Union’s Delegation staff.

The Al-Qaeda affiliated jihadist group called “Group in support of islam and muslims”, the biggest al-Qaeda affiliation in Sahel, has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack.

According to the National Police, 3 of the assailants have been killed, while the presumed fourth one escaped.

In addition to the immediate reaction of the Malian special anti-terrorist force (FORSAT), French soldiers also intervened on the scene in armoured vehicles. France has soldiers deployed in Mali, since 2013, in reaction to the takeover of northern Mali by the jihadi groups. In 2014, France created a special force covering several countries, including Mali, with more than 4,000 men. The United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), also established in 2013, and the French forces are continuing their operations to this day.


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