97 Dead during Protest in Oromia and Amhara

Protesters took to the streets of capital city Addis Ababa. Protesters took to the streets of capital city Addis Ababa. Reuters

8 August 2016
Excessive police force used against protestors in Ethiopia.

Tensions grew high in the region of Oromia and Amhara due to denizens protesting against the unfair distribution of wealth and marginalization in Ethiopia. It was reported that 67 were killed in Oromia and 30 more were killed in Amhara totalling to 97 deaths. Excessive force was used as police fired bullets into the crowd causing many deaths and injuries. Moreover, it was reported that extrajudicial killings occurred in Bahir Dar as well. This was a subsequent protest that was correlated to the myriad of demonstrations that have taken place in Oromia since November 2015.

While many were wounded and killed by the police, others were arrested and detained in unofficial detention centres located in police and military training bases. These detention centres further exposed victims to unethical treatment such as beatings and possibly torture. Although the Oromo and Amhara are two of Ethiopia’s largest ethnic groups, they have suffered hundreds of years of oppression and lack representation in the community. Furthermore, many have been unfairly detained and undergo hostile mistreatment by Ethiopian forces. The fatalities from this protest has only further increased the growing tensions between the Oromo and Amhara and the government.

Many of Oromo’s and the Amhara’s protests have been viewed as peaceful demonstrations but the government has adamantly accused them of violence. Thus, there is a continuation of mistreatment towards these protestors and an escalation of hostility. The two ethnic groups in Oromo and Amhara believe that the government has unjustly catered to the Tigrayans by giving them security positions even though they only make up 6% of the population. Due to the perpetual cycle of injustice, the Oromo and the Amhara have persistently continued to protest for their human rights.


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