Lebanon: Increasing Needs of Displaced Persons after Five Months of Border Conflict

Beirut Mosque Beirut Mosque Photo by ramzihachico via iStock

Population Afflicted by Severe Hardships in Lebanon

According to reports from Doctors Without Borders, the ongoing armed conflict along the southern border of Lebanon, which erupted five months ago, has already resulted in hundreds of casualties and inflicted severe hardships on the local population.
More than 91,000 people have been forced to flee their homes, putting a strain on their financial stability. The situation is extremely critical, necessitating urgent humanitarian interventions to provide assistance and support to those affected.

Hostilities between Israeli forces, Hezbollah, and other groups began on October 8, 2023, with gunfire exchanges along the border. The exchanges of fire between the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) and Hezbollah, along with other armed groups at the southern border of Lebanon, continue daily and are causing civilian casualties, in addition to nearly 100,000 internally displaced persons.
Recently, the conflict has expanded to northeastern Lebanon, with Israeli forces targeting the Baalbek-Hermel governorate through airstrikes, further exacerbating the already tense situation in the region.

Access to essential services has also been hindered by various socio-economic and legal factors. 70% of the population has lost their jobs, while 50% have not had access to information about available services in their new areas of residence.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is providing psychological first aid to refugees from the border area.
Felicitas Steinhoff, head of MSF's mental health activities, has reported an increase in cases of depression and anxiety disorders among the displaced, highlighting the serious psychological impact of prolonged displacement.


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