UN: Israel destroying Gaza’s food system and weaponizing food

Palestine Map Palestine Map Foto pawel.gaul via iStock

80 cert of all people facing famire or catastrophic hunger worldwide live in Gaza

As reported by Ohchr, Gazans now make up 80 per cent of all people facing famine or catastrophic hunger worldwide, marking an unparalleled humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip amid Israel’s continued bombardment and siege, according to UN human rights experts.

“Currently every single person in Gaza is hungry, a quarter of the population are starving and struggling to find food and drinkable water, and famine is imminent. Pregnant women are not receiving adequate nutrition and healthcare, putting their lives at risk.

In addition, all children under five -335,000- are at high risk of severe malnutrition as the risk of famine conditions continues to increase, a whole generation is now in danger of suffering from stunting,” said the experts.
Gaza’s 335,000 children under five years of age are “especially vulnerable”, UNICEF noted, before adding that in the next few weeks, child wasting, the most life-threatening form of malnutrition in children, could increase from pre-crisis conditions by nearly 30 per cent, affecting up to 10,000 children.

“Children at high risk of dying from malnutrition and disease desperately need medical treatment, clean water and sanitation services, but the conditions on the ground do not allow us to safely reach children and families in need,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell. “Some of the material we desperately need to repair and increase water supply remain restricted from entering Gaza. The lives of children and their families are hanging in the balance. Every minute counts.”

This news has been reported by all the main newspapers and website.

According to UN News,  virtually all Palestinians in Gaza are skipping meals every day while many adults go hungry so children can eat,” WHO said, as UNICEF issued dire projections about the expected result of damaged essential water, sanitation and health infrastructure and services to treat severe malnutrition and disease outbreaks. 


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