The world must pay attention to the Sudan Crisis

Sudan Sudan Photo by Claudiad via iStock

The war in Sudan continues to cause extreme suffering for millions across the country

As reported by Relifweb, the war in Sudan continues to claim victims while media coverage is mainly focused on other conflicts, such as the Israeli Palestinian conflict in Gaza.

The war entered its ninth month last week and recent fighting in eastern and southern Sudan has added to the trauma and displacement experienced by so many, and compounded fears for what's next.
Marie David, CARE Sudan Acting Country Director said: "Loss of life, mass displacement, gender-based violence, hunger, cholera are all on the rise and occurring at an alarming rate. Between 70 and 80 percent of hospitals in conflict-affected areas are no longer functional. This crisis demands more attention, and funding."

According to Relifweb, more than 7.4 million Sudanese are currently displaced, both inside and outside the country.
This includes at least 1.4 million people who have fled Sudan since mid-April to seek safety and protection in neighboring countries like Chad, South Sudan, and Egypt-though many still face the threat of violence and limited access to essential services. Internally, approximately six million are displaced, making Sudan the country with the largest number of IDPs in the world.

Sudan also has the largest child displacement in the world, with three million children having fled the widespread violence.
Furthermore, with 10,400 schools closed in conflict zones, the conflict has left 19 million children without access to education, according to a 2023 report.

Moreover, as reported by Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project website (ACLED), more than 12,190 people have been killed since the fighting broke out in April.
This last data, the total number of people killed, is particularly significant and scaring considering that the conflict has been going on for eight months till now.


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