Attacks on medical care and civilian targets in Ukraine

Bombing effects on Ukraine infrastructures Bombing effects on Ukraine infrastructures Photo by Алесь Усцінаў (Ales Ustinov)

The tragic impact on lives and infrastructures of the repeated attacks on hospitals and civilians in Ukraine

As reported by MSF, attacks on infrastructure and civilian targets in Ukraine show no signs of stopping. 
In particular, the repercussions of missile attacks on hospitals and civilians are devastating.

According to MSF website, on Monday 20 November, two missilles hit a hospital in Selydove, Donetsk region of Ukraine, where five Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff were present. Although no MSF staff were harmed, eight people inside the hospital were injured, including two Ministry of Health staff. 
This is the second attack within a week on a hospital where MSF is present; three people were injured, and a Ministry of Health staff member died from injuries sustained during the attack.
Vincenzo Porpiglia, MSF Head of Mission in Ukraine declared: “These attacks continue to put the lives of healthcare staff at risk and jeopardise our ability to deliver critical medical treatment to patients in dire need. Medical facilities are supposed to be places where lives are saved, not taken.”
The MSF ambulances system reported more than 10,600 patients62 per cent of whom experienced violent trauma – since May 2022.

Moreover, as reported by UNOCHA, the first heavy snowfall is hampering the provision of vital support to front-line communities. OCHA partners on the ground are unable to reach affected communities, as the main roads connecting Odessa to other regions are blocked.

According to national authorities, as of 27 November, 10 people have reportedly died and dozens have been injured. 
More than 560 locations in 10 oblasts across the country were without power due to the severe snows and winds. At the same time, local authorities report continued hostilities in the centre and south of Ukraine, which resulted in civilian casualties and have damaged school and apartment buildings.


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