The dramatic daily reality of the Ukrainian population

Volunteers make posters protesting war in Ukraine Volunteers make posters protesting war in Ukraine Derek French via Pexels

The lives of Ukrainians are totally affected by the effects of the conflict: health, access to education, livelihoods, food security, and gender equality are affected

The "Human Impact Assessment" was compiled through the collaboration of several United Nations agencies, under the guidance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the body responsible for promoting global development. In order to obtain a comprehensive analysis that could offer as real a view as possible, the sample maintained a certain heterogeneity, also paying special attention to the aged, women, persons with disabilities, internally displaced persons, etc.

The area under consideration refers to the borders of the Ukrainian state territory prior to the Russian invasion, which began in February 2022. If the levels of living standards and access to basic services can be considered stabilized after the first months of the conflict, the same cannot be argued with regard to living conditions, which have suffered a setback since last winter. As evidence of this, and of the decline in wages and unemployment, it should be noted that more than half of the households confirmed a decline in income. In addition, more than 40% of the population fails to provide their families with basic necessities, including food, resulting in inadequate food consumption by one-third of the population. Gender-based violence is experiencing dangerous peaks: 55% of women admit that they feel unsafe in their daily lives, and along with them at risk of gender-based violence are more than 3 million people. Regarding social inclusion, data show that as many as 45% of the population falls into a group considered vulnerable. One of the most serious problems is related to access to water, which is extremely limited due to the war. Nonetheless, on a positive note, education, which despite the clashes has never come to a standstill, h it is taught, managing to provide what is considered an efficient service by nearly 90% of young people.

The data produced are not only intended to direct future UN projects, especially in light of their cooperation with the Ukrainian government but are also addressed to nongovernmental organizations, international financial institutions, individual donors and authorities. The recommendations call for help in rebuilding community assets, implementing recovery initiatives for the part of the population most affected by the conflict, and supporting the government in respecting the rights of all social groups. In addition, attention is also given to the restoration of agricultural production, investment in education, and livelihood interventions.


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by Giada Canzut


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