Syria: more than half of the population is food insecure

WFP providing food to families in Aleppo WFP providing food to families in Aleppo WFP/Hussam Al Saleh

14 March 2023

After 12 years of war and the recent earthquake, more than 12 million people in Syria are suffering from hunger.  

On the 14th of March, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported that  12.1 million Syrians are food insecure, with nearly three million more at risk of going hungry, highlighting the critical need for increased humanitarian assistance. Moreover, maternal malnutrition has reached unprecedented levels, together with children malnutrition which reached 28%. This is the effect of more than 12 years of armed conflict and the recent earthquake that increased the number of displaced people. 

The organization also affirmed that now, due to this emergency, an average monthly salary in Syria covers only one-quarter of a family’s food needs. Then, concerning the war, Kenn Crossley, WFP Country Director in Syria stated that “Bombardment, displacement, isolation, drought, economic meltdown, and now earthquakes of staggering proportions. Syrians are remarkably resilient but […] at what point does the world say enough?”. This also emphasizes the critical need for increased humanitarian assistance for Syria, not just for those affected by the disaster, but also for those already dealing with spiraling food prices, a fuel crisis, and successive climate shocks. In fact, due to the war, wheat production has dropped by 75% as a result of damaged infrastructure, high fuel prices, and drought-like conditions. 

Till the present moment, WFP has been present in the country reaching 5.5 million people across Syria, with food distribution and nutrition programmes. Despite this, the UN agency remarks the need for additional help in order to find long-term solutions to help civilians. 


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By Alexia Tenneriello

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