Human rights: the only guarantee for democratic future in Sudan

Human rights: the only guarantee for democratic future in Sudan Nirav Shirah on Pexels

26 November 2022

Protection and promotion of human rights are considered  to be the"driving force" for Sudan’s delicate transition

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, recently visited Sudan to talk about human rights and their importance as a necessary guarantee during the transition from military rule to democracy. He said that the future of Sudan depends on three fundamental values - "unity, combined strength and great potential". For this reason, he confirmed the commitment of the OHCHR and the international community  in supporting the restoration of a civilian government, as well as  in promoting and defending human rights.

During the press conference held in Khartoum, the UN official reported that the military takeover of October 2021 and, therefore, the fall of the dictatorship has left Sudan to be the victim of political uncertainty and economic and social instability. The transition phase has been further aggravated by climate change, inter-ethnic clashes, humanitarian crises and gender-based violence. Referring to the latter, the High Commissioner reported a number of numbers in support of demonstrating the terrible escalation of armed attacks and murders in different regions of Sudan, particularly in Darfur, Blue Nile and Kordofan.  In addition, the OHCHR documented the excessive use of force against protesters in Khartoum.

As a result, he urged all parties involved to put aside personal interests and power games to facilitate negotiations and, therefore, the transition to a democratic government. In addition, he advised the competent authorities to instruct the security forces to act in accordance with laws and human rights standards. He also suggested defeating the tendency to impunity, as well as making state institutions representative and accessible. For this reason, the UN official has repeatedly advocated the urgency of implementing the Juba Peace Agreement - for the restoration of civil authority - and a National Plan for the Protection of Civilians.


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by Alessia Bertola

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