The urgent necessity to expand and renew Yemeni truce

Geographical map of one of the powder kegs of the Arabian Peninsula. Geographical map of one of the powder kegs of the Arabian Peninsula. Lara Jameson via Pexels

29 September

44 national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have called for the Yemen truce to be improved and expanded, as the agreement just expired.

Humanitarian organizations remind all parties to the conflict that the future of Yemen is in their hands, since the current truce agreement expired on the 2nd of October 2022, decisions need to be made with urgency.

During the past six months, there have been a 60 per cent reduction in casualties. Commercial flights from Sana'a have helped 21,000 Yemenis to access lifesaving medical care. Organizations applaud such achievements, but present time is critical to further tackle the issues that are still devastating the country relentlessly and develop a plan capable of make additional changes to secure the stabilization and build-up of Yemen.

Albeit there had been a reduction in civilian casualties, injuries, and death as a result of landmines and unexploded ordnances are continuing to rise. The reduction in fighting meant that for the first time in more than seven years, children can start the school year without fear of attacks. But if the conflict relapses now, after the end of the agreement, it not only risks destroying gains already made but threatens the future development of the country.

The truce and the agreement on which was based upon was not perfect but it ensured that crucial steps could be made in order to achieve a long-lasting peace; moreover the cease-fire means also time for additional imports of equipment, staff-training and to carry out clearance to better protect civilians.

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by Viola Rubeca


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