26 - 28 February overview - Ukraine spotlight

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Latest news about civilians in Ukrainian - Russian conflict

According to the latest OHCHR report, since the beginning of conflict, the civilian victims officially registered are 376, with 94 adults and 7 children killed. Such death toll is likely to be much higher as many victims ahve been not confirmed yet. In fact, all country is experience evident difficulties in communication, making harder work of humanitarian aid and partners.

All main cities in the country, from north to south, have been under attack, with Kyiv and Kharkiv facing challenges of evacauting elderly, sick and disable people under bombs. Residential areas are reported to be targetted by bombing and shelling, in violation of IHL.

The conflict has worsened the general humanitarian situation of Ukraine. According to UNHCR 368,000 people have already crossed the borders to Poland, while more than a million are exepected to do in the next days. Cash and fuel start to lack in the main cities and hospitals are in need of aid workers and medical supply, WHO warns. Ongoing hostilities have broken supply chains and prevent access to food in Eastern Ukraine, especially in Kharkiv and along "line of contact", where about 400,000 people are estimated to be at risk of food insecurity.


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