Twin Suicide Bombing Kills 22 at Mosque in Nigeria

A man holds a sign that reads "Stop Boko Haram" at a rally to support Chadian troops heading to Cameroon to fight Boko Haram, in Ndjamena January 17, 2015. A man holds a sign that reads "Stop Boko Haram" at a rally to support Chadian troops heading to Cameroon to fight Boko Haram, in Ndjamena January 17, 2015. Photo/REUTERS

16 March 2016
Two female suicide bombers killed 22 people and injured 18 others during morning prayers at a mosque in northeastern Nigeria.

On the  16th of March  two female suicide bombers attacked a mosque and the surrounding area during early morning prayers in the village of Ummarari, six km from the city of Maiduguri, in northeastern Nigeria.  The first suicide bomber detonated herself at the mosque, while the second bomber caused a blast 50 meters away several minutes later.

“One of the two female bombers, disguised as a male worshipper, joined other Muslim brothers in the mosque at Ummarari-Molai during prayers,” said Malum Farouk, member of a grassroots security group.  The attack killed 22 people, and 18 others sustained injuries.

There was no initial claim of responsibility for the attack, although it resembled a Boko Haram attack by two female suicide bombers at a camp for internally displaced people in Dikwa in February, that killed at least 60 people.  Boko Haram militants are known to kidnap women and girls to use them as suicide bombers in their attacks.  There was a third suicide bomber that did not detonate herself at the camp in Dikwa in February, and has since been detained to determine if the women and girls have been radicalized.


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