Civilians injured and killed by missile attacks in Yemen

 A street in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen A street in Sana’a, the capital of Yemen Saif Albadni on Unsplash

04 October 2021

Four people were killed and 33 other civilians were injured in missile attacks in the city of Marib, in central Yemen

On October 3, three missiles fell on the city of Marib. According to local authorities, this attack was attributed to the Houthis, a group of Yemeni rebels; nevertheless, this has not been confirmed by the Houthi movement. Two of the missiles were aimed at military areas, while the other one landed in a nearby residential area. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported the death of four civilians in this attack, among which two were children; there were also 33 people injured, including a pregnant woman and a two-months-old baby.


The civil conflict currently afflicting Yemen has led it to be home to the worst ongoing humanitarian crisis according to the United Nations: tens of thousands of people have died and millions have been displaced as a result of the war that broke out in 2014 after the Houthis seized the national capital, Sana’a. As time went on, Marib became the primary refuge for displaced civilians, and conflict in the region has only been increasing. Furthermore, MSF estimates that the recent escalation of violence could cause the displacement of even more people, and increase the demand of already lacking humanitarian needs such as shelter, food, water, security and medical care.


The abovementioned source states that almost 25 million Yemenis (about 80% of the population) still need assistance, 5 million are at risk of famine, and a cholera outbreak has affected more than a million people; furthermore, according to Amnesty International, all sides in the current conflict are reported to have violated human rights and international humanitarian law.




#LOsservatorio #Yemen #CiviliansInConflict #MSF #Houti


Author: Dulce María Hernández Márquez; Editor: Maxime Grenier

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