Yemen: grave human rights violations in 2020

Alsonainah neighborhood in Sana'a, Yemen Alsonainah neighborhood in Sana'a, Yemen Saif Albadni on Unsplash

29 September 2021

The protracted conflict has led to the largest man-made humanitarian crisis in the world.

In its annual report, Mwatana for Human Rights reveals the tragic situation in Yemen during 2020. Throughout the year, hundreds of incidents and violations of basic international humanitarian law may amount to war crimes.

The warring parties, including the Saudi/UAE-led coalition as well as armed groups such as the Ansar Allah, known as Houthis, have committed numerous abuses, depriving civilians and vulnerable groups of the basic items necessary for survival. Attacks with the use of indiscriminate and inaccurate weapons on populated areas have caused huge damage to the country's vital infrastructure and loss of civilian life. Landmines and booby traps left by the Houthis have killed dozens of civilians, including women and children.

Mwatana’s report also sheds light on the harsh conditions in the overcrowded and unofficial detention sites. Arbitrary detention, random disappearances, practices of torture and other forms of inhumane treatment systematically occur. Other crimes committed include children recruitment, sexual violence, abuses against women and migrants, attacks on hospitals and medical staff, schools, and educational facilities.

Almost seven years into an armed conflict that has killed and injured over 18,400 civilians, Yemen remains the largest humanitarian disaster and food security crisis in the world, with 20.1 million people needing food assistance at the beginning of 2020. The Houthis and the other authorities, in spite of this, are impeding humanitarian aid. Examples of their interference and obstruction include lengthy delays for approval of aid projects, blocking aid assessments to identify peoples’ needs, attempts to control aid monitoring and recipient lists to divert aid, and violence against aid staff and their property.




#Losservatorio #Yemen #CiviliansInConflict

Author: Antonella Candiago; Editor: Xavier Atkins

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