2021 UNHCR Nansen Refugee Award for a Yemeni humanitarian organization

Temporary tents for displaced people Temporary tents for displaced people Ahmed akacha via Pexels

29 September 2021

Valorizing who works for peace is a way of promoting solidarity: a Yemeni humanitarian organization reached this goal.

A sparkle of good news: to promote solidarity it is crucial to underline good actions and give value to all people or organizations that work with the constant commitment towards peace. 

The Jeel Albena Association for Humanitarian Development, a Yemeni humanitarian organization, was announced as the winner of the 2021 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Nansen Refugee Award. Founded in 2017 by a displaced man, Ameen Jubran, and based in the Red Sea port city of Hudaydah, this Yemeni association has been offering concrete support to the tens of thousands of people forced to be displaced by the conflict within the country. Yemen is a country that is facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Jeel Albena is working with more than 160 employees and 230 volunteers. This organization has provided around 18,000 emergency shelters to internally displaced people. In addition, the association supports displaced women to become self-sufficient and contributes to school renovation. “The extraordinary work carried out by you and your team, and your perseverance in helping Yemenis from all backgrounds, is an example of humanity, compassion, and dedication,” said UNHCR Filippo Grandi, speaking of Jubran.

The award (a commemorative medal and a monetary prize of US$ 150,000) not only rewards the deep and devoted work but also symbolically urges to draw attention to displaced people within Yemen where four million people were forced to flee their homes and left them in a permanent need of protection and assistance. The award also emphasizes the commitment of many other local NGOs on the ground in Yemen.






Author: Giulia Francescon; Editor: Shrabya Ghimire

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