Humanitarian coordinator in South Sudan condemns attack on humanitarian convoy

Humanitarian convoy Humanitarian convoy Photo by Jo Raphael on iStock

22 September 2021

UN Humanitarian Coordinator has condemned an attack on a humanitarian convoy in Central Equatoria, South Sudan

Following an attack on a humanitarian convoy in Yei County, Central Equatoria, Matthew Hollingworth, Humanitarian Coordinator ad interim in South Sudan, has called on authorities to ensure the safety of humanitarian personnel as they deliver aid to vulnerable people. Mr Hollingworth expressed his condolences to the family and colleagues of a driver who was killed in the attack and extended his sympathies for three people who went missing as a result of the attack.

The convoy that was attacked on 17 September consisted of three trucks carrying 121 metric tons of food supplies intended for host communities in Morobo County and was a cooperating partner of the World Food Programme. A South Sudanese citizen who was the driver of one of the three trucks was killed when unknown gunmen opened fire. One person was injured, three people are missing and two are  unharmed.

The attack is one of a rising number of incidents of violence against humanitarian workers and assets reported this year. Violence against humanitarian personnel and assets in South Sudan more than doubled from the first quarter of 2021 to the second quarter. Since March, aid workers, people supporting the community, and assets have been attacked or ambushed in at least eight of the ten states in the country. As a result, some humanitarian activities have been suspended and some workers have been relocated.

Mr Hollingworth called the attacks “a serious violation of international humanitarian law,” and termed attacks on humanitarian personnel, who work tirelessly to support the most vulnerable people in South Sudan, unacceptable.




Author: Irina Kovacevic; Editor: Catherine Meunier

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