Refugees Are Still Fleeing from South Kordofan (Sudan) to Yida (South Sudan)

Refugees in Yida camp Refugees in Yida camp Epicentre/MSF

3 June 2016
Since 2011, civilians from South Kordofan have fled to Yida in order to escape the civil conflict in their home province.


As the civil conflict in South Kordofan is entering its 5th year, the number of refugees from South Kordofan in Yida continues to  rise.  According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), more than 7,500 refugees from South Kordofan have reached Yida thus far in 2016.  The UNHCR also mentioned that “nearly 90 percent of new arrivals are women and children.”  With about 70,000 refugees in Yida already lacking access to food and schools for children, large caseload of newly-arrived refugees from South Kordofan is likely to experience worsening humanitarian conditions.

South Kordofan has been a site of civil conflict between government forces and two rebel groups known as Sudan People’s Liberation Movement - North (SPLM-N) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM).  The ongoing violence since 2011 has been reported to have recently intensified and expanded.  Marking its 5th year, it continues to cause detrimental consequences for civilians from the area, including the displacement of civilians to Yida.

In Yida, the UNHCR and its partners have been continuing to provide assistance to the  recent refugees from South Kordofan.  UNHCR mentioned that assistance has included “a hot meal, measles vaccination, a place to rest, refugee registration to ensure that those with special needs are identified and assisted, and transportation to Ajuong Thok camp to relieve pressure at the Yida transit centre.”  Additionally, the UNHCR stated that they are working to expand the infrastructure of the camp in order to accommodate the increasing number of refugees from South Kordofan amid recent overstretched resources.  

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