Attack against civilians in Yemen despite ceasefire

Yemen on a world map Yemen on a world map Photo by JeanUrsula on iStock

01 March 2021

Violence against civilians continues in Yemen, as an attack on Saturday caused several casualties.

The United Nations Mission in Support of the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) condemned the attack that took place on Saturday afternoon, 27 February, in Yemen, denouncing the serious violations of International Humanitarian Law against civilians, and the non-compliance with the terms of the Hudaydah Agreement as well as the failure to respect the ceasefire mediated by the United Nations (UN).

The incident took place in the residential area of Al Hawak, in the Hudaydah governorate in Yemen. UNMHA reported an increase in violence in the Yemeni governorate, between the Saudi-led military coalition, which supports the internationally recognized government, and the Houthi movement. However, it is not yet clear who is responsible for the attack in which five civilians lost their lives, including a woman and a child, while three others were injured. In addition to the persistence of violence, the country is also undergoing what has been defined as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, with almost 50,000 people living in famine-like conditions, according to the UN. In light of this, the significant reduction in State funding, needed to support the humanitarian response in the country, is raising alarms given the worsening crisis. 

In spite of the Hudaydah agreement, the violence in Yemen shows no sign of ending. The Lieutenant-General in charge of the UNMHA, Abhijit Guha, has called for greater freedom of movement for the UNMHA, so as to effectively assess the evolution of the conflict and ensure compliance with the above-mentioned agreement. Finally, the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, has urged states to reconsider their commitment to address the desperate humanitarian situation faced by the Yemeni people.


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Author: Francesca Mencuccini; Editor: Carla Leonetti

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