Situation in Central African Republic languishes gradually

Batangafo town in the aftermath of a fire incident that completely burned an IDP site Batangafo town in the aftermath of a fire incident that completely burned an IDP site OCHA/Maria Rosaria Bruno

20 June 2019

Acts of violence in Central African Republic continue despite a peace deal, UN informs 

On Thursday 20 June, the UN Special Representative for the Central African Republic (CAR) and Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), Mankeur Ndiaye, informed  the UN Security Council about the endless violence CAR population is currently facing.

Even though CAR government, armed groups and civil society representatives were involved in the process after a deal peace signed last February, Civilians living in CAR continue to suffer daily acts of violence. 

In his statement, Mr Ndiaye stressed the gravity of the situation after learning about the massacre of 39 people by 3R armed group members, one of the deal signatories,  in the Ouham-Pendé region on 21 May. This event left around 12.000 people displaced from their homes. Together with the UN, African Union, and Financial Community of Central African States, the 3R group leader made a commitment to collaborate with the investigations. At the same time, in order to protect civilians, MINUSCA launched a military operation in western CAR. Following this operation, three 3R members were arrested. However, Mr Ndiaye underlined that between 50 and 70 violations of the peace deal are reported every week and  the situation remains delicate. On the whole, his statement defined the humanitarian situation as “disastrous”: 2.9 million people (half of whom are children) are in need of humanitarian assistance. Further, the food security is not guaranteed for 2.1 million.

Following the unrest in the country, Mr Ndiaye urged all the involved parties to put an end to the violence and to establish a constructive dialogue. In addition, he underlined the need to conform to security arrangements that the parties have already committed themselves to. While it is crucial to create the right conditions for the improvement of the internal situation in the country, the population of CAR has a right to peaceful existence and safety. Separately, the government has improved the efficiency of the security sector and is working on implementing a recruitment campaign for the police in the near future. Having regard to the above, Mr Ndiaye expressed hope that the opposition to the peace process is temporary and will form base for the constructive reform the  country.



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Author: Giulia Francescon; Editor: Aleksandra Krol

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