Education workers victims of deadly attack in Central African Republic

A street in Paoua,in northwestern Central African Republic, where thousands of civilians have fled following local armed conflict A street in Paoua,in northwestern Central African Republic, where thousands of civilians have fled following local armed conflict France24

25 February, 2018

Six education workers were fatally injured while on a mission  promoting education among children in conflict-affected Central African Republic (CAR)

On 25 February, an unknown group of attackers in CAR targeted and killed six education workers; one UNICEF education consultant; three members of Bangui Sans Frontières, a local group working with UNICEF; and two officials of  CAR Ministry of Education. The attack took place near Markounda, close to the northeastern border with Chad. The victims were on a mission to offer training to community teachers who would in turn teach refugee and conflict-affected children; the mission was another effort to guarantee access to education to  children affected by conflicts in the region.

It is not the first time that humanitarian workers are victims of violence in this region. Last August, the killing of six Red Cross volunteers caused several humanitarian aid organizations to reassess their involvement in the region where frequent attacks hinder and impede the ability to offer humanitarian assistance, including Doctors without borders.

The United Nations Security Council  condemned the February attack, calling for all responsible for the attacks to be held accountable. The Council also urged the groups and actors involved to engage in a constructive dialogue to find a solution to the conflict.


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