The International Center for Transitional Justice has published the 7th volume of its Advancing Transitional Justice series

10 January 2017
This book analyses the role of education policies and transitional justice in post-conflict settings and how their interplay can contribute to reconstruction.

Whereas development actors, educators and peacebuilding practitioners have been frequently pointing to how education can trigger or prevent conflict, the relation between transitional justice and education and how their synergy can contribute to peacebuilding have so far remained relatively unexplored. This book seeks to address this gap in research by providing a comparative analysis based on a number of relevant case studies across the world. Moreover, it aims to provide practical guidance on how to develop synergies between education and transitional justice to policy makers and practitioners from both fields.

This publication is the result of a collaborative research project between the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ) and UNICEF. The project explored two main issues: 1) how can transitional justice contribute to peacebuilding by shaping the reform of the education sector, and 2) how can education foster a culture based on respect for human rights and the rule of law. It compared the ways in which different countries used transitional justice in educational policies, looked into the material and symbolic challenges that are likely to be encountered and identified the different actors as well as the needs of the various target groups: children at primary and secondary school, young people at tertiary level and youth in general.

The volume is edited by Clara Ramirez-Barat, director of the Educational Policies Programme at the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, and Roger Duthie, senior associate in the research unit at ICTJ.


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