Civilians in the News - Ukraine spotlight

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News in the web telling stories about civilians in Ukraine

1) The protection of civilians must be priority number one
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has told that Russian military operation represent a violation of UN Charter, according to which all member must refrain from the threat or the use of force against a sovereign state. He call President Vlamir Putin on stopping the military operations and bringing the troops back and also announced the allocation of $ 20 millions for humanitarian aid for civilians belonging to both sides of "line of contact"

For more information, read here:

2) The use of explosive weapons will be disastrous for civilians
INEW, the International Network on Explosive Weapons, issued a statement to condemn the indiscriminate use of explosive weapons during hostilities in Ukraine. According to the statement, collateral damages have already happend to a kindergarden in Dombas and power plants in Shchastya and Dontesk, putting in serious danger civilians' lives.

For more information, read here:

3) Ukrainian elderly fight against fear and loneliness
About 900.000 elderly in Eastern Ukraine are in need of humanitarian aid and protection. Lymila is one of them, live in Avdiika and her story is told in a photoreportage by Anatoly Stepanov supported by the Institute For War and Peace Reporting.

For more information, read here:


by Sara Gorelli

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